Implementing Organisational Ambidexterity for a Successful Transformation of the Automotive Supply Industry Towards a Green Future


  • Alexander Gackstatter
  • Véronique Goehlich



automotive supplier industry, transformation, organisational ambidexterity, corporate social responsibility, competencies, Germany


Background: Customers demand more sustainable mobility solutions and shift to electric vehicles and Mobility-as-a-Service offers. Because of these shifts, automotive suppliers must improve their corporate social responsibility (CSR). Especially in Germany, where they play a dominant role in the economy, they need to assume their responsibility towards the green future and seize new growth opportunities within and outside the traditional automotive industry to ensure their competitiveness.

Research objectives: The article aims to determine the role of ambidexterity, the competencies required from employees at all levels, and the success measurement of the transformation in the automotive supplier industry in working towards a green future.

Research design and methods: The research is based on 12 expert interviews with top managers from German automotive suppliers, consultants, ambidexterity experts, and employee representatives.

Results: The trends (electrification, autonomous driving, digitalisation and new mobility services pose unprecedented challenges for automotive suppliers. To deal with these challenges and improve their CSR performance, automotive suppliers must follow an ambidextrous approach to make their core business more efficient while at the same time seizing new growth opportunities towards a green future.

Conclusions: The organisational ambidexterity combined with CSR allows firms to improve their environmental performance. However, organisational ambidexterity is not only a structural design choice but a task that requires specific competencies.


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How to Cite

Gackstatter, A. ., & Goehlich, V. . (2022). Implementing Organisational Ambidexterity for a Successful Transformation of the Automotive Supply Industry Towards a Green Future. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 1, 83-104.

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