Acts of Planning in Administration: Towards Support for the Development of the Social Economy


  • Maciej Szmigiero



social economy, planning, administration, development policy, government strategies, government programmes


Background: Public planning plays an increasingly important role as planning acts issued by the administration  form the basis for the actions of public authorities, including determining the directions of legislative activity. Therefore, they are the subject of interest in the doctrine of public law. 

Research objectives: The aim of this paper is to explore selected governmental development policy documents assessed from the point of view of social economy development in order to show both their complexity and the range of their subject matter. The issue of theoretical foundations of planning in administration and their scope was also taken into account.. 

Research design and methods: The research method used in the study is the legal-dogmatic method and the theoretical-legal method. 

Results: Findings of the study expose that although in selected government strategic documents reference is made to social economy issues, due to the exclusively internal nature of planning acts and the overly general provisions of the analysed strategies, they can hardly provide a basis for coordinated action. 

Conclusions: The study identifies a need for greater precision in the provisions so that they can become a basis for specific actions by the administration, including drafting of legislation.  


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How to Cite

Szmigiero , M. . (2021). Acts of Planning in Administration: Towards Support for the Development of the Social Economy . Social Entrepreneurship Review, 1, 34-44.

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