Adjustment scenarios of the social economy sector to the realities of the fourth industrial revolution


  • Marcin Zawicki



4th Industrial Revolution, social economy, development scenarios, public policy


The 4th Industrial Revolution causes profound changes in every sector of the economy and in society. Its effects will also be felt by social economy entities. The aim of the article is to sketch scenarios determining the degree of adaptation of the social economy entities in Europe to the technological changes taking place as part of the 4th Industrial Revolution. On the basis of literature studies and the heuristic scenario method, three adaptation scenarios of social economy entities to new realities were formulated – reactive, adaptive and anticipating. The implementation of specific scenarios will affect the future of every social economy entity as well as the entire sector.


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How to Cite

Zawicki, M. (2018). Adjustment scenarios of the social economy sector to the realities of the fourth industrial revolution. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 41-49.

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