Role of social economy in process of implementing the neo-weberian model of the state


  • Michał Żabiński



social economy, neo-weberism, neo-Weberian model, trust, social inequalities


The purpose of the paper is to analyse the impact of the social economy on the implementation of the neo-weberian model of public governance. Based on a review of the literature, a postulate of the relationship between social inequalities, trust and the possibility to change the public management system was formulated. Dysfunctions of the current model of the state have led to a limitation of its role in favour of markets, which resulted in a sharp increase in social inequalities and a decline in citizens’ trust towards the democratic state of law. The emerging neo-weberian model of public governance is to strengthen the position and role of the state. In conclusion, the paper indicated that a necessary element of a paradigm shift in public governance is to create mechanisms that will restore trust in in the institution of the state. In this context, development and support from the state for the social economy sector may be an appropriate way to meet this condition.


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How to Cite

Żabiński, M. (2018). Role of social economy in process of implementing the neo-weberian model of the state. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 67-73.

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