Monetization of social effects


  • Jakub Głowacki



social impact, monetization, travel cost method, hedonic pricing method, conditional valuation method, benefit transfer method


One of the key barriers to the development of the social economy sector in Poland is the lack of common knowledge and skills in the effective and systematic measurement of achievements. This is important because despite the growing public awareness of the benefits generated by this sector, there are still some reservations about the rationality of supporting social enterprises. The way to measurable and effective presentation of the effects of social activities is to monetise these effects, that is, to give them a monetary value. This article reviews literature related to the valuation of non-market goods developed in the area of ecology and indicates the potential for adaptation of this type of methods in the area of social economy. These conclusions can be used to conduct further empirical research as well as to build new methods and tools for social impact assessment.


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How to Cite

Głowacki, J. (2018). Monetization of social effects. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 33-40.

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