Mobile technologies as support for social innovations


  • Weronika Kotyza
  • Anna Stronczek



innovations, social innovations, mobile applications, EcoTech System


Social innovation is an integral part of innovation policy. It can effectively address social needs as well as create new value for every society. Today, mobile technologies become an increasingly important component in leveraging innovation and thus the competitiveness of organizations. The purpose of this chapter is to present mobile technologies as tools to support social innovation. The study is based on literature review and case study analysis of social innovation implementation with the use of mobile technologies. The results present an audit sheet of the features and attributes of social innovation created based on existing studies and applied to a case study of social innovation. The effects of the usability of the developed tool is discussed. The results of the research suggest that the created audit sheet presents value for a wider practical implementations.


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How to Cite

Kotyza, W. ., & Stronczek, A. . (2019). Mobile technologies as support for social innovations. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 1, 59–70.

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