The role of stakeholders in social innovations


  • Daria Murawska



social innovations, innovation, stakeholders, engagement


In the modern world, the role and importance of social innovations as solutions to existing social or sustainable development challenges is growing. Research suggest that it is not possible to design and implement social innovation effectively without the involvement of significant stakeholder groups. The purpose of this article is to analyse the existing as well as potential future solutions for identifying and engaging stakeholders in social innovation. The work is based on a review of published research and literature. It presents available mapping tools and stakeholder engagement frameworks. The conclusions confirm that cooperation with stakeholders is an important element in developing social innovation, allowing a better understanding of the nature of challenges, the needs of beneficiaries as well as affecting access to important resources.


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How to Cite

Murawska, D. . (2019). The role of stakeholders in social innovations. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 11–22.

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