Caring for human health during the COVID-19 era as a motivator for the creation of new areas of customer value by market organisations


  • Kamila Szymańska



innovation, value for the customer, consumer autonomy, competitive advantage, development


The development of the epidemic in Poland motivates organisations to offer their customers products and services remotely – it is therefore an opportunity to develop innovation, which combines corporate social responsibility with new areas of value for customers. The aim of this article is to present how selected entities modified their offer to the customer during the COVID-19 era and to consider how these changes can be used in the future. The empirical part of the study is based on the multiple case study method. The analysis of the development of the customer offer allows us to conclude that it is possible to effectively combine modern technologies and communication tools with providing new value to the customer and teaching them market autonomy. Therefore, there is a simultaneous consumer education and the pursuit of a competitive advantage by enriching value for the customer. It is worthwhile to take advantage of the ideas created as a result of the disease crisis to develop the offer of value for the customer also after its completion, but taking into account the different needs and attitudes of customers.


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How to Cite

Szymańska, K. . (2021). Caring for human health during the COVID-19 era as a motivator for the creation of new areas of customer value by market organisations. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 54–63.

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