Local social innovation supporting the development and functioning of entrepreneurship


  • Anna Michna
  • Anna Męczyńska




public governance, social innovation, supporting of entrepreneurship


The state of local entrepreneurship is strongly influenced by actions undertaken by local self-government units. Research shows that the most common ways of support for entrepreneurship are limited to the use of various financial instruments and promotional activities. The aim of the article is to present innovative, systematized, locally-undertaken social innovations in Zabrze – novel solutions to support the development and functioning of entrepreneurship. The application of these innovative solutions should bring specified, useful and measurable benefits to society. These activities are included in the “Local Entrepreneurship Program for 2016-2020”.


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How to Cite

Michna, A., & Męczyńska, A. (2016). Local social innovation supporting the development and functioning of entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 71-79. https://doi.org/10.15678/ES.2016.2.06

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