Conceptual framework of an assessment of an economic impact of an enterprise


  • Tomasz Geodecki



economic impact of an enterprise, social benefits, value added, wages, profit, taxes


In the context of the “middle income trap” discussion and promotion of domestic enterprises, the paper proposes a method aiming at identification and calculation of benefits of national economy that are brought by an enterprise. Research method consists of identification of categories impacting value added created by a firm and of testing such a tool using financial statements of three public companies. Scoring an enterprise bases upon sum of taxes and remuneration of labour and capital, i.e. corporate income tax, salaries and other benefits of employees, as well as capital accumulation together with profit shared among domestic residents. In order to take into account the scale of an enterprise and to measure efficiency of production factors’ use, this sum is then divided by firm’s assets’ value. Conclusions cover the conformation of leaving aside the nationality of firm owners, inquiry into the degree of accuracy in which the method corresponds to the economic reality and potential inclusion of additional criteria of measuring social impact of an enterprise.


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How to Cite

Geodecki, T. (2018). Conceptual framework of an assessment of an economic impact of an enterprise. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 106-115.

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