Cultural sector as a part of social economy


  • Joanna Sanetra-Szeliga



cultural sector, cultural and creative goods and services, social capital, human capital, public goods and services


In the light of the growing awareness of the socio-economic role of culture, the author analyses the available knowledge about the socio-economic potential of culture in the context of social economy. In particular, the article shows that cultural activities produce / have values important from the point of view of the social economy and that culture can fulfil functions attributed to the social economy. Above all, it is about creating jobs, social integration and combating exclusion, building social and human capital, and offering public goods and services. This confirms the thesis that culture can be one of the important areas of social economy.


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How to Cite

Sanetra-Szeliga, J. (2018). Cultural sector as a part of social economy. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 50-58.

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