Investigating the Phenomenon of Social Entrepreneurship
social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship theory, market failure theory, socioeconomic problemsAbstract
Background: Social entrepreneurship (SE) has been gaining ground in economy and politics since the 1980s, arousing scientific interest. But despite numerous studies, the field still lacks a standardized theory, inviting interpretations by other disciplines.
Research objectives: We show that SE draws on two theories of economics – entrepreneurship and market failure – and clarify their suitability for explaining the field.
Research design and methods: Our bibliometric analysis involved statistical methods to ascertain qualitative and quantitative shifts. We aimed to delineate the publication landscape and identify the emerging trends.
Results: The article calls for a standardized theory and better integration of perspectives in SE research, underlining social value creation, long-term effects, and contextual influences.
Conclusions: SE is a developing field without standardized frameworks, focusing on social rather than economic value. It underscores entrepreneurial qualities in addressing societal needs and advocates nuanced policies that support entrepreneurial processes and societal impact.
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