Understanding Antecedent Components of Social Entrepreneurship in Relation to Entrepreneurship and Family Business


  • Aaron A. Vargas Zeledon College of Business Administration, Chonnam National University




ethical responsibility, family employment, community development, perceived environmental dynamism, governance structure


Background: This conceptual paper advance the understanding between the fields of entrepreneurship and family business to social entrepreneurship derived from studies which expose the existence of meaningful antecedent components moving closer to each other in the direction of social entrepreneurship.

Research design and methods: This paper presents a theoretical framework of five antecedent components that emerge as an active ground of practice and research based in a systematic literature review using different works published in scientific journal.  

Results: Social entrepreneurship within the last three decades, in spite of its rising acceptance, scholars are far from touching a defined consensus concerning their valuable impact. This paper sheds light on the understanding and offer a novel establishment of knowledge, which enlarges the social entrepreneurship domain. 

Conclusions: Yet little research elucidates the mechanisms addressing the antecedent components. In this aspect, examining the link that exist between entrepreneurship and family business will augment the social entrepreneurship domain enabling future research to consolidate the impact of the discipline. 


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How to Cite

Vargas Zeledon, A. A. (2022). Understanding Antecedent Components of Social Entrepreneurship in Relation to Entrepreneurship and Family Business . Social Entrepreneurship Review, 2, 19-47. https://doi.org/10.15678/SER.2022.2.02

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