On meeting collective needs of the local community – selected issues


  • Monika Augustyniak




social participation, collective needs, self-government, local community, deconcentration, subsidiarity


The subject of this article is the analysis of one of own tasks, which aims to satisfy the needs of the local community by supporting and disseminating the self-government idea, including creating conditions for the operation and development of auxiliary units and implementation of programmes to stimulate civic activity. The subject matter has been presented on the basis of obligatory, quasi-obligatory and optional forms of satisfying collective needs of the community in the light of article 7 par. 1 point 17 of the Act on municipal self-government together with an indication of the role and significance of municipal bodies in the organizational and functional structure of the mechanisms presented, with the help of which the municipality’s own task is implemented. Discussing this task is important due to the fact that it is a form of implementation of the principle of subsidiarity and deconcentration in the self-government community.


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How to Cite

Augustyniak, M. (2018). On meeting collective needs of the local community – selected issues. Social Entrepreneurship Review, 1, 33-44. https://doi.org/10.15678/ES.2018.1.03

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